Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Silence is golden, golden...

Karma is a wonderful thing. I promised myself that I wouldn’t get hung up over my ‘friend’s’ (read patronising wanka) review – and I didn’t. Well, not much. Not enough to actively pursue the issue anyway. And the best thing? He just got reviewed himself and I feel completely vindicated. Not because he was specifically and horrifically criticised, but because his work wasn’t mentioned – at all. Not one comment. For better or worse.

And I can feel comfortable in my state of vindication knowing that I’m not being bitchy, I’m not rejoicing in someone else’s specific misfortune and that silence is golden.

The best way to deal with patronising wankas? Silence…

(I’m now officially over this topic. Perhaps the reason I’ve been writing about it so much is because if I write about what’s really going on in my head, I’ll scare myself – and others.)

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