Friday, September 08, 2006

Go Team Road Trip! But what to wear...?

Well, I’m going on a road trip. Clearly, I’m not going to divulge the exact location (yes crazy internet stalkers, I’m onto you), suffice to say that it’s going to be beachy. A girlfriend and I have officially crammed an ipod full of daggy tracks from our youth (circa 1998) and are ready to spend more than enough time in each other’s company.

After ten weeks of what has been a phenomenally crazy time at work, I really feel I deserve this trip. My big question now becomes: what is my motivation? Do I think carefully about my travel wardrobe in the event that I may meet some exciting people of the opposite sex? Or do I attempt to live the entire week in my Thai fisherman’s pants, looking like a complete, albeit comfortable, bogan? Decisions, decisions…

At this point I’m leaning towards the more dressy travel wardrobe, purely because I have recently had my hair chopped rather short and I’m feeling more than a little boyish. Or dyke-ish. (I wasn’t going to say dyke originally, but seeing I have two good mates of the citrus variety, I feel a little more at ease in being politically incorrect where lesbianism is concerned.) I guess what I’m trying to say is that I feel a little manly and unattractive at the moment. But that’s ok, I’m sure I’ll get over myself once my hair grows a bit more.

So, the decision has been made: clothes to make me feel attractive for the first couple of days, and fisherman’s pants for the inevitable moment when we realise that our destination is completely devoid of any male talent. Or at least, any male talent that may be remotely interested in us…